







2024-07-29 发布
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璞 翠


Listening to the dialogue between everything and me
reconstructing the soul and quality space
In the restless inner world
Pursuing inner tranquility and elegant lifestyle taste in nature


The project is located in the northern part of Xiaoshan City, Hangzhou. After more than ten years of development history, the northern part of the city will become an improved living and residential area on the south bank of the Qianjiang River; To create a textured taste and attitude of luxury for the young elites of this city, redefining the aesthetic of improving living in the north of the city. The real-life display area includes various spatial experiences, including the city interface in the front entrance, the tranquil water courtyard, and the vacation atrium. The progressive space constantly enhances the emotional value of tourists, showcasing scenes of a better future life in front of everyone.

Returning to the Realm

l 在车水马龙的城市里,打造50米的入口城市界面,一种稳重沉着的气韵拉开了品质奢华的归家序幕;酒店式的礼至接待,是对业主专属的身份认同。

l In the bustling city, creating a 50 meter entrance city interface, a steady and composed atmosphere opens the door to a luxurious and high-quality home; The hotel style gift to reception is an exclusive identification of the owner's identity.

l 构成主义的设计手法,现代语言表述的东方美学呈现。不同材料和质感相互触碰,以璞为雅,以奢为贵,点金提亮;尽显画面的统一协调,形成不仅是气质层面的彰显,更是美学艺术的升华。

l  The design technique of constructivism and the presentation of Eastern aesthetics in modern language expression. Different materials and textures touch each other, with simplicity as elegance and luxury as luxury, shining with gold; The unity and coordination of the display are not only a manifestation of temperament, but also a flourishing aesthetic art.
l 与自然的相遇,为生活增添点小惊喜,发现旅途的美好

l  Meeting nature adds a little surprise to life and discovers the beauty of the journey



l 心境林间,微风拂尘。

l 静谧从坐下来品茗那一盏茶开始,以自然式代入,沉浸式的聆听生活的内在,在场景中洄游,带着一种喜悦的心情去体验这片空间的精致。

l In the forest of my heart, a gentle breeze brushes the dust.

l Quietly, starting from sitting down to savor the cup of tea, immerse oneself in the essence of life, wander through the scene, and experience the delicacy of this space with a joyful mood.

l 在阳光下,乌木成林,花草簇拥,枕石流淌;感受这一刻自然的美好!

l Under the sunshine, ebony becomes a forest, surrounded by flowers and plants, and pillow stones flow; Experience the beauty of nature at this moment!


l 大自然花间的叠瀑、山涧的甘泉、高落的飞流、水岸的涟漪营造着不同的洄游体验;放松身心,迎接清风的略过,静听水声潺潺。

l The cascading waterfalls among nature's flowers, the sweet springs in mountain streams, the soaring streams, and the ripples on the waterfront create different migratory experiences; Relax your body and mind, welcome the passing breeze, and listen quietly to the sound of water.




l 踏水而归,转换一种心情,就如这片镜面水,默默的流淌着,周围一切被绿意包裹着。感受这一片水,一棵树,一个寄予着水文化的雕塑带来的纯粹空间。

l Stepping on the water and returning, changing one's mood, just like this mirror water, silently flowing, everything around is wrapped in greenery. Experience the pure space brought by this piece of water, a tree, and a sculpture imbued with water culture.


Qingyu Island

l 步入大区的第一幕实景,来到核心体验区。整体界面视线打开,豁然开朗;同时情绪渲染到高潮点,让人迫不及待的想去体验!与之前的静谧不同,这里更多了一份轻奢度假体验。

l Step into the first scene of the region and arrive at the core experience area. The overall interface line of sight opens up, suddenly becoming clear; At the same time, emotions are rendered to the climax, making people eager to experience it! Unlike the previous tranquility, this place offers a more luxurious vacation experience.

l 厚重沉稳且端庄的奢石水景,轻声细语的流淌着,按耐着内心的浮躁;两旁阵列的加纳利海藻树搭配着热带灌木,营造出整体的风情感。

l The luxurious stone water scenery is heavy, steady, and dignified, flowing softly and patiently, enduring the inner restlessness; The array of Canary seaweed trees on both sides, paired with tropical shrubs, creates an overall wind sentiment.


l 由“林”而入,层层乌桕林包裹着入口,小中见大,引人入胜。

l Entering from the "forest", the entrance is surrounded by layers of Chinese tallow forests, which are small in size and captivating.

l 林下休闲空间与沁心客厅以光影作为媒介,互相包容,互相映衬,实现自然的唯美。

l The leisure space under the forest and the refreshing living room use light and shadow as a medium to accommodate and complement each other, achieving natural beauty.



l 经过会客厅,这里便是归家即度假的生活体验场所,清风徐徐,漫步水畔,仿佛是在都市中生长出来的一座岛屿,拉近人与人,人与自然之间的距离。

l Passing through the reception hall, this is the living experience place for returning home and vacationing. With a gentle breeze, strolling by the water, it feels like an island growing in the city, bringing people and nature closer together.
l 面朝水岸的沁心会客厅以精致的软装装点,度假木色的金属格栅,搭配沉稳的灰色调,表达着静谧雅奢的生活基调。

l The Qinxin Reception Hall facing the waterfront is decorated with exquisite soft furnishings, and the metal grille in the color of vacation wood, paired with a calm gray tone, expresses a quiet and luxurious lifestyle.

l 或围坐岸旁,或倚身水畔,或池中徜徉,荡漾的波纹冲散日常的忙碌,灵动的跳泉梳洗疲惫的身心,在这里度过一段值得浪费的时光。

l Sitting by the shore, leaning against the water, or wandering in the pool, the ripples scatter the busyness of daily life; The agile jumping spring cleanses the tired body and mind. Spend a time worth wasting here.


l 帷幔包裹的轻构架充满度假风情,来一场与轻风的约会!放松闲适的生活场景被植入社区的日常。

l The light framework wrapped in curtains is full of vacation charm, let's have a date with the light breeze! The relaxed and comfortable living environment is integrated into the daily life of the community.


l 华灯初上,鎏光翠影,时间与事物一切静止,生活就是心平气和的温馨体验。

l At the beginning of the night, the colorful lights shine and the green shadows shine. Time and things remain still, and life is a peaceful and warm experience.





We hope to better express the beauty of nature through artistic techniques, and create beautiful things in life with an elegant, explicit, tasteful, and textured attitude, creating timeless scenes;

To render the emotional value of the experiencer in a bustling and secluded environment, and to experience the scenery of time along the way with the concept of natural immersion and lush greenery;

Dedicated to the first luxury living item in the lives of young people, it has the most intuitive sense of happiness and joy!

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